STP24 - What's the deal with these Mars missions? - with Elizabeth Howell and Nicholas Booth

This month is well and truly Mars month with three separate missions from three different countries arriving at the red planet, so we asked Elizabeth Howell and Nicholas Booth to join us. The pair have recently released a fantastic book 'The Search for Life on Mars: The Greatest Scientific Detective Story of All Time' which is well worth checking out!

UAE Hope Mission:
China's Tianwen-1 Mission:
NASA's Perseverance Mission:

The Search For Life On Mars: The Greatest Scientific Detective Story Of All Time by  Elizabeth Howell and Nicholas Booth (Arcade, $27.99). The authors jointly tweet as @search_mars

ELIZABETH HOWELL is a space journalist based in Canada who writes for publications such as, Forbes and SkyNews. She has published three books about science and space exploration, including "The Science of Time Travel: The Secrets Behind Time Machines, Time Loops, Alternate Realities, and More! She has witnessed five human space launches and has two postgraduate degrees in space studies from The University of North Dakota. She also teaches communications for post-secondary students and private clients. She tweets as @howellspace

NICHOLAS BOOTH has been a writer for over thirty years. He was the youngest Briton to ever work for NASA and started his career on Astronomy Now magazine. He then worked for the world’s oldest newspapers: as a science writer for The Observer and then as a technology editor on The Times. He has written a dozen books including Zigzag, about the double agent Eddie Chapman, is being made into a film by Tom Hanks. In 2021, his first thriller, Messiah, is being published. He tweets as @thievesbook 

This Week's News:

Space Hipsters 10th Anniversary patch:

Soyuz-2.1b Launch - 2nd February:

Millie Hughes-Fulford Obituaries:

Northrup Grumman Vulcan Centaur Test:

ESA Astronaut Recruitment:

Lockheed Martin to launch from Shetlands:

New US Capsule Record:

Ed Gibson photo:

Episode Thumbnail Image Credit: NASA

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Emily Carney

A veteran of the United States Navy, Carney became a freelance writer back in 2008 and started a blog called This Space Available, which is hosted by the National Space Society.

In 2011, Carney founded a facebook group Space Hipsters. Originally intended to be a place to share news and insights amongst friends, this community has now grown to close to 20,000 members including astronauts, engineers, scientists, historians and space flight enthusiasts from around the globe.


Dave Giles

Giles is a singer/songwriter from London, England who has always had a passion for space flight. Since his early years he’s been looking skyward and though he ended up wielding a guitar for a living, space exploration is alway on his mind and one of his most popular songs is about astronaut Gene Cernan, ‘The Last Man On The Moon’.

In 2019 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, Giles visited all of the crewed space vehicles flown by NASA from Freedom 7 to the Space Shuttle Orbiters.

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