Dave Giles Dave Giles

STP56 - George Low, Marketing the Moon and $2 Bills with Richard Jurek

This week we're joined by author and space historian Richard Jurek to cover a diverse set of subjects which he is interested in. Richard has released two books, 'Marketing The Moon: The Selling Of The Apollo Lunar Program' and 'The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George Low'. He has also set up the Jefferson Space Museum to showcase his collection of flown $2 bills, and that's a story that you won't want to miss.

Richard Jurek:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rjurek
Marketing The Moon: http://www.marketingthemoon.com/
The Ultimate Engineer: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/9780803299559/
The Jefferson Space Museum: http://www.jeffersonspacemuseum.com/
Air and Space Museum Articles: https://www.airspacemag.com/author/richard-jurek/

Celestis: https://www.celestis.com/
My Friend Phil (Emily's Blog): https://www.celestis.com/blog/my-friend-phil/
Facebook Live Event with Emily: https://www.facebook.com/memorialspaceflights/videos/3168738580026630

'The Burning Blue' Book Review: https://space.nss.org/book-review-the-burning-blue-humanizes-challenger-tragedy/

The Space Community Has A Narcissism Problem, and It Undermines Women:

This Week's News:
Inspiration 4 Splashdown:

Mark Vande Hei US Spaceflight Record:

NASA awards $146 million for human moon lander development:

SLS Stacked Photos:

Image Credits: NASA

Space and Things:
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/spaceandthings1
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Emily Carney

A veteran of the United States Navy, Carney became a freelance writer back in 2008 and started a blog called This Space Available, which is hosted by the National Space Society.

In 2011, Carney founded a facebook group Space Hipsters. Originally intended to be a place to share news and insights amongst friends, this community has now grown to close to 20,000 members including astronauts, engineers, scientists, historians and space flight enthusiasts from around the globe.

Blog: https://space.nss.org/category/this-space-available/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/EmilyLCarney
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilyCarneySpace/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilycarneyspace/

Dave Giles

Giles is a singer/songwriter from London, England who has always had a passion for space flight. Since his early years he’s been looking skyward and though he ended up wielding a guitar for a living, space exploration is alway on his mind and one of his most popular songs is about astronaut Gene Cernan, ‘The Last Man On The Moon’.

In 2019 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, Giles visited all of the crewed space vehicles flown by NASA from Freedom 7 to the Space Shuttle Orbiters.

Full info: https://www.davejgiles.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/davejgiles
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davejgilesmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davejgiles

Space and Things is brought to you And Things Productions https://www.andthingsproductions.com

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